Friday, March 29, 2013

Time Banking comes to Northeast Minneapolis

  So, last night I attended the organizational meeting for the Northeast Time Bank. I was very excited about the idea of trading time rather than money with people in my neighborhood. There were about a dozen people there that were also very excited.

  So the concept is that everybody's hour is worth just as much as everybody else'. Hour for hour? No once you work for someone they register the hours that you gave and they go into a bank. Now you can use them with other people. You receive banked time when you go through the required orientation. You receive banked time for going to time bank events. We Can Grow can even participate in the program to give and get time for volunteers.

  I am looking forward to this getting off the ground and getting out there and earning some hours!

For more information visit the Northeast Timebank's Facebook page HERE

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring 2013 Community Challenge

We Can Grow Challenges You to Make a Change in Your Community

We Can Grow's Spring 2013 Community Challenge

Happy Spring! We can feel it in the air . I know we are all getting very excited for the snow to be gone, kids playing in the yard, planting that early spinach and being able to put away the snow shovels. Spring is also a time to emerge from our winter caves and get outside more. Neighbors working in their yard, kids throwing the ball in the street, and everyone out for walks. Community, its all about community. Don't we all want a better community? It seems that we are growing further and further apart in our communities. Simply ask yourself, how many of my neighbors do I know on a first name basis? Of the ones I do, how many of them do I know where they work? Do I know their kids? What's their dogs name?

We can all change that. Take the We Can Grow Spring 2013 Community Challenge! It's really simple, get to know 5 of your neighbors and their families. If you already know 5, then get to know 5 more. When we say get to know them, we mean really get to know them. Not just their name and what they do. Find out how you can help them have a better life. See where you might be able to lend a hand with a project they have going on. Really get to know them and let them get to know you. At some point during this process tell them about the challenge, and challenge them to do the same,  and talk about meeting new families in your community. If we all took time to get to know 5 neighbors and challenged them to get to know 5 neighbors and they challenged them etc, we cold have a better  community in no time. 

Okay, are you ready? There is an optional form below. This is not required, but it would be cool to see if we all made a change or not, wouldn't it? It takes a community to build a community. 

March Maddness

Are you ready for the 2013 garden season? 


We Can Grow still has lots of openings for for the 2013 season. We have 6 class sessions and lots of locations to choose from. More info....

Garden Options

We have lots of different garden options to choose from. Don't know how to garden? look at our complete garden packages that include classes. Have a garden, want to learn more? Check out our classes. Need a garden for the cabin? We got that! More info......

Lots of Events

There is so much going on around gardening and urban farming in the Twin Cities. Be sure to check our events calendar and check often. More info....

We Want to Do More, We Want to Do Better

We are committed to doing a better job building community. This is an ongoing goal for We Can Grow. But we need your help. Often we don't think of everything. We need your input and help in building a better community. We have created an Ideas and Suggestions page. Please tell us what you think and feel about what can be done to better our community. The only bad ideas or suggestions are the ones that are never shared. Ideas breed ideas, so the first one may not be the best, but the offspring can change lives. Tell us what you think. More info.....  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hack Factory Visit

A few weeks back Mike and I made our way over to South Minneapolis' Hack Factory to see if we could make some raised bed gardens there. What we found thoroughly shocked and awed us both. 

Tools, machines and quirky projects littered the warehouse space where members had convened for their Wednesday evening open hours to chat and build some amazing stuff. We sat down with Dave the president of the organization, which by the way is 501(c)3 nonprofit cooperative, to discuss the logistics of making our gardens there. After a brief chat, we had hammered out a deal whereby We Can Grow will rent out space in the Hack Factory to make and store our 150 garden boxes free of cost.

 We had discovered that the intent and missions of our organizations fit together really well. We're both trying to make and provide the tools and services our communities can use to grow. We plan to teach raised-bed garden building classes, compost bin making classes, and basic gardening informational classes through the Hack Factory to further our community education effort. The Hack Factory already hosts tons classes and exhibitions where people can learn about all manner of DIY (do-it-yourself) projects ranging from work with metal, wood and fabric to bikes, electronics and guitars. 

This place really does it all. We are so excited to have teamed up with the Hack Factory to start doing goof work in our community and inciting positive change. We want to extend a gracious thank you to them for being so awesome and doing what they do. Hey look! They're even sponsoring Farm Hack this weekend.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

High Noon Highlights # 18

Midway Green Spirit Community Garden


Building Community through Gardening!


Located in St. Paul, MN between Pierce Butler Route on the North, Taylor Street on the South, Hamline Avenue on the East and Albert Street on the West, Midway Green Spirit CG is a welcoming, verdant place with 40 individual garden plots, a Community Orchard, a Community Circle where all produce grown is donated to a local foodshelf, a beehive and a dedicated bunch of gardeners who use organic practices.

Contact info: 

 Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

High Noon Highlights # 17

Second Harvest Heartland


Second Harvest Heartland works to reinvent hunger relief through leadership and innovation. $50 provides 180 meals.


Ending hunger through community partnerships.

Contact info:

Phone:(651) 484-5117
Check out their Website: Click Here
Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

High Noon Highlitght #15

Join We Can Grow at the 9th Annual Community Garden Spring Resource Fair

It’s hard to believe it, but spring is just around the corner! Join Gardening Matters and gardeners from across the Twin Cities Saturday March 9, 2013 from Noon-5:00pm at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul for the 9th Annual Community Garden Spring Resource Fair. LaDonna Redmond, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, will kick off the day with the keynote address: "Reconstructing Our Relationship with Land,” with a local panel to follow. Be a part of the Good Food Movement conversation and get connected to the resources to make this year’s growing season a success! $10 suggested donation. Find the complete schedule

When: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Where: Metropolitan State University 700 E 7th St, St Paul, MN VIEW MAP 

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Friday, March 8, 2013

High Noon Highlight #14

Community Bees on Bikes


Take a class!  Explore the hive with us!
Get comfortable with bees! We'll suit you up and give you hands-on
experience working in a bee hive.
Revive the Hive!


Community Bees on Bikes is an urban beekeeping education program
focused on establishing and maintaining honeybee hives in community spaces in Minneapolis, while raising awareness of pollinators and their
crucial role in our ecosystems. We provide honeybees and experiential
bee education to public and private groups in community gardens, urban
farms and schools, commuting solely by bicycle!

Become part of our hive! We are partnering with a number of different
Minneapolis sites for summer 2012. If you are interested in becoming
a host site for summer 2013, contact us.


Phone 612-245-6384, 612-990-9770
Email Here
Check out their Website
Find them on Facebook

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

High Noon Highlight #13 West Broadway Farmers Market

West Broadway Farmers Market



The West Broadway Farmers Market increases healthy food access, promotes economic development among Northsiders, and cultivates a dynamic gathering space for community members, visitors, and businesses.


Friday markets: June 15 - October 19

Contact info:

Email: Click Here

Phone: (612) 353-5178

Check out their Website: Click Here

Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

High Noon Highlight #12 Thirty Days of Biking

Thirty Days of Biking 


A community of joyful cyclists, founded in 2010. Pledge to ride your bike every day every April, then share your adventures online!


We ride our bikes every day.


30 Days of Biking, whose fourth year begins April 1, 2013, has one rule: Bike somewhere every day for 30 days—around the block, 20 miles to work, whatever suits you—then share your adventures online. We advocate daily bicycling because we believe it enriches lives and preserves the Earth. A worldwide, thousands-strong community of joyful cyclists has been forming around that idea since April 2010—and will further amass in 2013. We ride our bikes every day!

General Information

30 Days of Biking was founded by Patrick Stephenson and Zachariah Schaap, of Minneapolis, Minn., in 2010. The 2012 30DOB had more than 4,000 registered participants from around the world.

Contact info:

Email: Click Here

Phone: 651-260-4124

Check out their Website: Click Here

Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

High Noon Highlight #11 Cherry Tree House Mushrooms

Cherry Tree House Mushrooms 


Jeremy McAdams launched Cherry Tree House Mushrooms, LLC in 2009, a mushroom farm that provides log-grown shiitake and oyster mushrooms to the Twin Cities. CTHM started in many residential yards in south Minneapolis - but has recently moved to Grow! Twin Cities in Maplewood.

Logs used by CTHM for cultivation are sustainably harvested nearby, other ingredients used in our operation are (non-certified) organic, and we use no fungicides or other harmful chemicals.

CTHM sells its high quality mushrooms to Twin Cities restaurants such as Alma and the Craftsman and the Seward Co-op. Jeremy also sells log kits through Egg|Plant in St. Paul and gives mushroom cultivation workshops

Contact info:

Email: Click Here

Check out their Website: Click Here

Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Monday, March 4, 2013

High Noon Highlight #10 Bossy Acres

Bossy Acres 


Two bossy chicks growing delicious veggies. Only sustainable, USDA Certified Organic, permaculture-based practices on this Minnesotan farm!


To be good stewards of our land by embracing and utilizing organic and permaculture-based farming practices, focusing on self-sufficiency and sustainability.


USDA Certified Organic vegetable farm in Northfield, MN

Contact Info

Email: Click Here

Phone: (616) 915-9027

Check out their Website: Click Here

Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

High Noon Highlights #9 Twin Cities Daily Planet

Twin Cities Daily Planet


Original articles every day, and news from over 100 community media partners.


The Twin Cities Daily Planet is an online publication connecting citizens in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul with one another and with the global community. The Daily Planet is a project of the Twin Cities Media Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the digital divide and helping citizens empower themselves with media.

Email: Click Here

Phone: (612) 436-9196

Check out their Website: Click Here

Find them on Facebook: Click Here

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

High Noon Highlights #8 Gardens of Eagan

Gardens of Eagan


GOE is its people. Knowledgeable, committed, passionate folks dedicated to the organic stewardship of soil. Dirt first.


Gardens of Eagan is a demonstration of the logic, elegance, and viability of ecologically based, organic food production.


Gardens of Eagan is a 100 acre, urban-edge, vegetable farm, providing certified organic produce to the Twin Cities and surrounding communities. Its proximity to a metropolitan area allows the farm to serve as an educational resource to consumers and farmers through its 501 (c) 3 non-profit, The Organic Field School,

Originally in Eagan, Gardens of Eagan was established by Martin Diffley in 1973 and co-operated with Atina Diffley through 2007. It is now owned by the Wedge Community Co-op and run by farm manager, Linda Halley, and a crew of talented, earnest co-conspirators.

Email: Here 

Phone: (507) 645-2544

Check out their Website

Find them on Facebook 

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!

Friday, March 1, 2013

High Noon Highlight #7 The Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships


The Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships work to sustain Minnesota's natural resource-based communities and industries by addressing community-identified agriculture, natural resources, and tourism issues in partnership with the U of M


The Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships work to sustain Minnesota's natural resource-based communities and industries by addressing community-identified agriculture, natural resources, and tourism issues in partnership with the University of Minnesota.

Three core goals shape the work of the Regional Partnerships, and form the basis on which we evaluate our effectiveness. These goals are:

to build and strengthen effective relationships between the University of Minnesota, and the citizens and communities it serves.

to strengthen the long-term social, economic, and environmental health of greater Minnesota through active citizen leadership.

to advance the understanding of regional sustainability by investing in research, education and outreach projects.

Funded by the Minnesota Legislature through appropriations made in 1997 and 1999, Regional Partnerships have been established in Northwest, Northeast, Central, West Central, and Southeast Minnesota. Additional Partnerships are anticipated in the future.


Each Regional Partnership has a board made up of citizens with backgrounds and interests in agriculture, natural resources, tourism, and sustainability as well as University faculty and staff from a wide range of departments. A Statewide Coordinating Committee composed of staff and citizens from each region, at-large citizen representatives, and representatives of the three Partnership colleges provides leadership for the program's coordinated efforts.

Check out their Website

Find them on Facebook

What are High Noon Highlights?

We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.

We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!