The Garden, The Classes, and The Programming

Program Cost and Sponsorship Opportunities

 Although our focus is providing gardens and education to low income families and individuals, everybody is welcome to participate in our program. We have programs for everybody. If you want a garden installed in your backyard, or you would like to have a garden for the cabin we have something to fit your needs. We even work with landlords to ensure that those who rent can participate, find out landlord agreement form HERE.
Are you already an experienced gardener? No problem, we offer gardens with or without classes.

 Our garden design: Our gardens are built to last and designed with the gardener success in mind.  We start with moisture resistant cedar 1"x12"s. We reinforce our corners using cedar 4"x4"s. When brainstorming what we could do to ensure greater success, we decided to focus on subirrigation. Subirrigation is the creating of a reservoir in the bottom of the garden that allows watering to occur from the bottom up. What this does, it insures that the soil stays moist for your plants. This will also allow for water collection when it rains. But don't worry, there are safety measures against flooding of your garden wit the simple use of drainage holes. Another great feature of subirrigation is your need to water is reduced significantly, in some cases down to as little as once a month. When we deliver* your garden we place it where you want it and fill it with soil. If you have opted to take our classes your seedlings and seeds can be picked up at your Gardening Matters Seed and Seedling pick up in the Spring. Watch the Gardening Matters event calendar.

 Our classes: Our four course program is designed to ensure success for beginner to advanced gardeners. We start with basic gardening in class one. Class two is all about cooking with what you grow. Class 3 focuses on safe food preservation. The final class is about the positive role we and are gardens can play in our environment and how to share what we have learned with people in our communities. For a complete description of each class please visit our About Page.  Along with all our classes you will receive a membership to the Gardening Matters Resource Hub** ($45 value) in your area. Your membership will include seeds, seedlings, access to gardening tools and access to even more classes.


                                                                       With Classes                                                Without Classes
Garden, Delivered and Installed*                         $225                                                              $200
Garden Picked Up with Bagged Soil                    $200                                                              $175
Garden Picked Up without Soil                             $175                                                              $150
Garden Frame no Soil/Subirrigation                 $150                                                              $125

Classes Only (includes a small Gardening Matters Resource Hub Membership)   $40

If you are looking to receive a scholarship please visit our Scholarship Information page


Sponsorship is a big part of the We Can Grow community. We all have needed a hand in our lives. Some of us have some to give back now. We Can Grow is based on communities building communities. The more you are able to give the more we are able to do. The following pricing includes your garden package and the additional packages enable clients from the community to participate with your support. All sponsors will be listed on a plaque that will be unveiled at our annual Harvest Pot Luck in the fall. 

Neighborhood Supporter: One for you and one for a client in the community $350 ($175 per garden package) 

Community Supporter: One for you and two for clients in the community $450 ($150 per garden package)

Bronze Supporter: One for you and three for clients in the community $550 ($137.50 per garden package)

Silver Supporter: One for you and four for clients in the community $650 ($130 per garden package)

Gold Supporter: One for you and five for clients in the community $750 ($125 per garden package)

Platinum Supporter: One for you and nine for clients in the community $1000 ($100 per garden package)

* Delivery outside Minneapolis and St. Paul may have a small delivery charge to cover fuel and travel. Please  call for more information. 

**The Gardening Matters Resource Hub membership is limited to geographic areas. If you do not fall into these areas please call us to arrange pick up of seeds and seedlings.