Opportunities and Volunteering

Opportunities at We Can Grow


Volunteering can be one of the most rewarding ways to give back to your community. Volunteering for We Can Grow offers a little more then some organizations. Volunteering for We Can Grow, you can learn about different cultures here in the Twin Cities, you can learn about gardening, you can learn keys to community development, and most of all you can learn how great it feels to give and to help others. Through-out the season, We Can Grow can always use the help of volunteers. The beginning of the gardening season seems to be our biggest demand for help. This doesn't mean that we will turn anyone away at any time of the year. If you or your group/organization is interested in volunteering for We Can Grow please contact our volunteer coordinator HERE or fill out our volunteer form below.

Donating to We Can Grow.

We Can Grow is a nonprofit organization. We rely on public and grant funding. With the demand for community growth and development and the recent economic downturn, nonprofits have experienced less and less funding opportunities. We Can Grow is no different. We welcome contributions in the form of financial aid and products that are related to what we do. If you are interested in making a donation please contact our director HERE

Fund-raising at We Can Grow

Throughout the year We Can Grow has several fundraisers. Please watch our calendar of events to see when the next one happens.

Sponsorship Availability. 

We Can Grow has several levels of sponsorship. Whether at an individual or corporate level We Can Grow has room for program and event sponsorship.

Program Sponsorship: If you believe in the impact We Can Grow is trying to create and want to help another person or group of people go through our program simply elect to become their sponsor. You can sponsor a client for as low as $70 depending on the level of sponsorship you commit to. Visit our Sponsorship page.

Event Sponsorship: Throughout the year We Can Grow has fund-raising events. We are always looking to partner with organizations that share our vision of community enrichment. For more information, contact our Director HERE