Become a GreenStep City! Learn more at http://mngreenstep.org/Description
Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability goals through implementation of 28 best practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more specific actions from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost savings and energy use reduction, and encourage innovation.
Those recommendations are contained in the report Minnesota GreenStep Cities. Representatives from dozens of cities, non-profit organizations, businesses and state government agencies provided the outline for what has been developed as the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program, which began in June 2010.
General Information
During fall 2007, Minnesota's Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS) held regional listening sessions around the state to discuss community-based energy opportunities and the state's Next Generation Energy Act of 2007. The idea was raised of creating a sustainable cities program that would challenge, assist and recognize cities that were "green stars." This idea was taken up by the 2008 Legislature, which directed the MPCA, the Office of Energy Security and CERTS to recommend actions cities could take on a voluntary basis.Those recommendations are contained in the report Minnesota GreenStep Cities. Representatives from dozens of cities, non-profit organizations, businesses and state government agencies provided the outline for what has been developed as the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program, which began in June 2010.
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What are High Noon Highlights?
We believe it takes a community to build community. One way We Can Grow does this is with our new series High Noon Highlights. Everyday at 12:00pm we will highlight a new organization that we believe is trying to make the world a better place. We want to make this information easy for you to get so we'll post here on our blog, on our Facebook page, on our Google+ page and we'll send out a Tweet as well.
We believe that supporting other organizations and their efforts to make a change will help in the efforts in our community. So set your watches, phones and alarm clocks and keep checking in at noon everyday!
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