Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hack Factory Visit

A few weeks back Mike and I made our way over to South Minneapolis' Hack Factory to see if we could make some raised bed gardens there. What we found thoroughly shocked and awed us both. 

Tools, machines and quirky projects littered the warehouse space where members had convened for their Wednesday evening open hours to chat and build some amazing stuff. We sat down with Dave the president of the organization, which by the way is 501(c)3 nonprofit cooperative, to discuss the logistics of making our gardens there. After a brief chat, we had hammered out a deal whereby We Can Grow will rent out space in the Hack Factory to make and store our 150 garden boxes free of cost.

 We had discovered that the intent and missions of our organizations fit together really well. We're both trying to make and provide the tools and services our communities can use to grow. We plan to teach raised-bed garden building classes, compost bin making classes, and basic gardening informational classes through the Hack Factory to further our community education effort. The Hack Factory already hosts tons classes and exhibitions where people can learn about all manner of DIY (do-it-yourself) projects ranging from work with metal, wood and fabric to bikes, electronics and guitars. 

This place really does it all. We are so excited to have teamed up with the Hack Factory to start doing goof work in our community and inciting positive change. We want to extend a gracious thank you to them for being so awesome and doing what they do. Hey look! They're even sponsoring Farm Hack this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I love this place! I am so excited to see what I can do here. What a great resource for our community.
